High-Quality Designer Pole Dance Gear Designed for Professional Dancers

Are you a club owner who wants your atmosphere models to sport your logo colors as they pop bottles and entertain guests? Or are you a budding entertainer who attracts a crowd whenever you take the stage? Find high-quality, designer pole dance outfits for work or for play in various colors, materials, and styles. You can shop for your next performance piece online from the comfort of your home- receive your outfit fast and right to your doorstep in discreet packaging.

Career-Oriented Dancers

The art of the striptease is a great way to have fun while making money to live the lifestyle of your dreams. Not only do you get in a great workout to keep your body looking its best, but you get to socialize and entertain influential clients who oftentimes come back for more. As you advance in your practice, you can begin exploring other avenues such as teaching, or aerial dance.

Quality Sportswear for Professional Dancers

While lingerie and athletic wear are both great options for rehearsal, sometimes they're just not quite right for professional dancers on busy nights. Inappropriate materials may cause you to lose traction while performing inversions and spins, or materials may shift around causing a wardrobe malfunction.

Trends and Accessories

Fashion trends in pole dance circles change depending on the year, location and pop culture trends. Lace-up details are always sexy and alluring as are the standard staples such as thigh highs, garters, and glitter embellishments. You'll also want to accessorize with tall stilettos or platform shoes for the finishing touch during your next pole dance stage performance. Most pole dancewear items can be comfortably worn underneath street clothes for an impromptu performance any time and any place.

Check out the large selection of professional pole dance outfit items including strappy bras, cheeky bottoms, and a selection of leotards from Vekker, LLC in Los Angeles.